Janice Steinbach, The Wise Growth Coach

Fuel Momentum in Your Business:
End Burnout & Overwhelm, Activate a Sustainable Pace

Do you relate to other small business owners:

  • You operate at an all-or-nothing rate.

  • There is NO time in your overcrowded calendar for a recovery break.

  • You are dissatisfied with the status quo, seeking and reaching for more.

I'm Janice Steinbach,
The Wise Growth Coach.

Much burnout prevention advice requires you to pause, slow down, or even stop. Those don't sound like tasks likely to show up on an entrepreneur's to-do list. What if, instead of subtracting from your life, you are fully charged to maintain your momentum?

Learn to break the burnout routine and expand your brilliance.

A Little More About Me

After three decades in the mental health field, including over ten as a solopreneur, I have gathered an extensive toolbox of resources to share.

Fun Facts:

  • I grew up in a family of 8 and it was not the Brady Bunch.

  • I attended the same high school as Jim Henson.

  • Unlike Dorothy, I left home and moved to Kansas.

  • I have now lived as long on Colorado's front range as I did in the Metro DC area.

Area of Expertise:

  • Advanced Level Thought Field Therapy (Tapping)

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  • Energy Self-Care Principles

  • Internal Family Systems (Parts)

  • Loss and Life Transition

  • Career Development