Seasonal Serenity

In a world often characterized by relentless hustle and bustle, it's imperative to carve out moments of tranquility and reflection. Just as the four seasons unfold, each bearing its own unique beauty and lessons, our quarterly virtual retreats offer a sanctuary for participants and speakers alike to pause, breathe, and reconnect with the essence of serenity.

Quarterly Virtual Retreats

Seasonal Serenity Virtual Retreats beckon attendees to embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal, regardless of where each may be on life's ever-turning wheel.

Monthly Membership

Seasonal Serenity is not merely a fleeting experience. Beyond our virtual gathering, we invite you to share your wisdom, guidance, and inspiration with our community, as together, we explore ways to infuse serenity into our lives with intention and purpose.

Join us in one of the Seasonal Serenity programs as we embark on a profound voyage of self-discovery, growth, and serenity all year long.

Seasonal Serenity Society

When you join the Seasonal Serenity Society monthly membership, you will receive:

  • VIP tickets to all virtual retreats for as long as you are a member.

  • Community, we'll gather once a month to build on the skills learned in the retreats and share our experiences

  • Recordings, of all monthly gatherings

Seasonal Serenity: A Quarterly Virtual Retreat

Join the waitlist so you don't miss the Fall 2024 Retreat!