Permission to Be Bewildered

Permission to Be Bewildered

May 17, 20242 min read

Permission to Be Bewildered

Wise Growth Coaching - Permission to Be Bewildered

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

I can’t talk about mental health without talking about emotions.

Emotions and Words.

A fellow entrepreneur once encouraged me to brand myself as an emotional mechanic.

To me, emotions don’t need fixing. They NEED attention.

And like a toddler, they’re good at getting it!

In a world that tends to be more comfortable with thinking, one of the ways to get more comfortable with feelings is through words.

One study found only three words that are commonly used to describe feelings: happy, sad, angry.

As you read this, you may have immediately noticed some words you commonly use are missing.

Last week, as I drove my son home from school, he shared a story about something that happened in a friend’s family. I asked about his friend’s reaction, and he described it as bewildered.

I was giddy!

What a great emotional word.

It’s been a while since I’ve heard that one.

Whether I am wearing my counseling hat or my life coach hat, expanding the space for emotional experience is a top priority.

That means I don’t just want you to study the words and their meanings.

What if you have permission to feel them in every ounce of your body and release them completely?

What are your emotions telling you?

Emotions carry messages.

Practice listening to the messages.

Some of them you may want to sit down with and share a meal.

Others you may want to just peek at through the window.

While some may be more pleasant to spend time with than others, they are all valuable.

What's your plan for the next 11 months?

May is a time we've decided to dedicate to boosting mental health awareness.

What are my parting words for Mental Health Awareness Month?

Please be kind to yourself all 12 months of the year.

Need some clarity on your next best steps? Schedule a 30-minute Clarity Call with me.

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