
Where to Go When You Need Help

May 11, 20241 min read

Where to Go When You Need Help

May is Mental Health Awareness Month.

As a counselor and life coach, I want to share with you where to go for help when you need it - what I do and when to seek help.

Earlier this month, I talked a client off the ledge.

Something awful happened.

They felt betrayed.

They lost hope in trying again.

When people lose their sense of safety, they turn to those close to them.

Those who are invested in their being okay may freak out.

This makes it worse.

When the people closest to you are not equipped to offer the support you need, you don’t have to do it alone.

How do you know where to go for help?

Mental health professionals lend an anchor of hope until you feel safe again. They are good in a crisis or for ongoing support with chronic mental health conditions.

Life coaches guide you to make and follow a plan that may include maintaining your mental health.

All of the pieces of the wellness wheel connect.

Neglecting the mental health piece hurts the whole system.

Please share this with someone who needs it.

Need some clarity on your next best steps? Schedule a Clarity Call with me.

Ready to end the cycle of overwhelm and burnout? Consider The Toolbox.

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